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Insights - 3 October '24

From the President


G’day everyone,
With the SHEA vote having been returned as a definitive ‘no’, AIPA’s efforts are now directed towards the next steps. As previously advised, we expect to have a survey out to the members in the next week. There will be a shorter turnaround time than we would normally have for a full EA survey as we would like to understand the sentiment and pros/cons from the SHEA as soon as possible. This will enable us to re-engage with Qantas in a timely manner. We expect to be in a position to meet with Qantas in early November.
A couple of people have asked me if I was disappointed in the result. Unless the vote is 100% for an EA (or against) there will likely always be someone disappointed. To be frank, I have no strong feeling either way. As soon as the result was known my priority returned to ‘working the process’. That is my role as AIPA President, and that includes respecting the will of our membership. We will work the process and seek to understand the sentiment, concerns, and interests about the proposed EA. Once we have a clear picture we will then progress those interests with the Company.
We are at an interesting time in the industry though. The NAA pilots voted down two EAs that had been endorsed by the AFAP- one of those also endorsed by AIPA. The Virgin Australia pilots voted down an EA endorsed by the AFAP. They will now consider an EA that was conciliated with the FWC that has been endorsed by the AFAP and the TWU. Mainline pilots have now voted down an EA endorsed by AIPA.
Meanwhile, the work of AIPA continues in other areas. I spent Tuesday giving evidence in front of the Fair Work Commission for the Network Aviation Intractable Bargaining Determination. It is instructive to recall that we are eight months down range of the initial IBD application by Qantas. Final submissions will occur this Thursday. Hopefully the determination will be handed down before Christmas.
Probably the biggest disappointment in this process for AIPA was the proposed introduction by the AFAP of a ‘low hour’ rate of pay for new F/Os. This was endorsed by the AFAP on the third vote for NAA pilots that closed in early January 2024. This lower rate for F/Os was to offset a higher ‘duty hour allowance’ for current crew. It also replaced a FIFO allowance for all NAA pilots.

AIPA has historically been opposed to B scales and lower pay rates for less experienced crew. The AIPA CoM did not endorse the proposed EA10 deal in early 2020, which was put directly to the pilots just as the world was descending into the pandemic. We expect that new airline pilots who are all trained and licensed to the same standard should be paid the same as other new pilots irrespective of experience. We worked hard in the Eastern (and by default Sunstate) EAs to reduce the impact of their ‘low hour’ rate for F/Os introduced more than a decade ago. We remain committed to reducing the impact of the B scale in the LHEA also. Our concern around low hour rates is that they incentivise and adversely influence an inexperienced pilot to chase additional hours or fly when their fatigue or fitness levels are less than optimal in order to move more quickly off the low hour rate. It remains to be seen if the FWC accepts this premise.
Finally, thanks to those that reached out in the wake of the news about my medical issue impacting my eyes and the need for me to finish my term as President in November. Some of the messages were quite humbling and I appreciate the time many of you took to write.

Safe flying,
Captain Tony Lucas
AIPA President

Jetstar Update

Jetstar Roster Survey
The AIPA Jetstar roster survey closes this Friday 4th October. If you haven't completed the survey, please fill in HERE, as it will give your representatives the opportunity to present hard data to Jetstar flight operations.

The ability to influence any roster build will hopefully create opportunities for improved lifestyle and family time, that also has positive impacts on safety at work. 

Jetstar Team

Legal/IR Update

AIPA Committee of Management Long Haul Workgroup Election 2024

This is a kind reminder to AIPA members who are eligible to vote in the Long Haul Workgroup that the AEC are conducting the election via postal ballot.
Please ensure you place your votes prior to the close date, 8 October 2024 at 12:00pm.
If you are eligible to vote for the Long Hall Work Group and you have not received your voter packs, please contact the AEC directly on (02) 9375 6366 immediately.

Candidate Statements – Long Haul Workgroup
AIPA have published all candidate statements and photos received by nominees for the ‘Long Haul Workgroup’ on the AIPA website.
Please feel free to access the statements using the link HERE when placing your vote.

AIPA Legal/IR Team

A Word from Welfare

02 8307 7766 |


Last week I introduced the PERMA model which originated from Positive Psychology. The first element is ‘Positive Emotion’ consisting of emotions such as love, joy and gratitude. This doesn’t come naturally to us as a study showed that we have 6 core emotions and only one is positive (happiness), one is neutral (surprise) and four are negative (sadness, fear, disgust and anger).  

As such we need to try and be positive more often. Try putting a positive spin on something you don’t like, especially when you have to do it anyway. Effectively try ‘this glass is half full instead of this glass is half empty’. What can I get out of it? Being in a positive frame of mind is especially important before we go to bed as it sets the scene for our sleep pattern, thoughts and the mood before we drop off and after we wake up.

We all need vent and complain, it’s an outlet but needs to be at the right time. Try talking about frustrations earlier in the evening or late afternoon and allow yourself to think about something else prior to going to sleep. Using your device to watch social media post before going to sleep is bad for you, both from the general negativity of a lot of media but also from the blue light screen. 

“Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all of the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.” 

Take Care Out There

Members are reminded of the continued availability of support services such as AIPA Welfare, PAN and EAP.

Members Deal - Breakaway Travel Club

Breakaway Travelclub is a global provider of discounted travel to the travel industry.

AIPA members can take advantage of this offer, featuring exclusive discounts on airfares, cruises, car rentals, travel insurance, tours, and other travel services not accessible to the general public.

Breakaway Travel Club are offering AIPA members a 1 year free membership.

Promo code valid for 2 months only, valid till 31st December 2024.

Click HERE to access the promo code. 

Podcast Library

AIPA "Stick with It" Podcast is now available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Click on the icons below to explore our wide range of topics and discussions.

Get in touch with us via: and include "Podcast" in the subject line if you have any feedback or topics that you would like to hear discussed in a future episode.


Quick Links

To help you access AIPA information – refer quick links below:

CoM Contact List | How to Guide – Submitting an Intelex Fatigue Report | How to Guide – Submitting an Intelex Accommodation Report | AIPA Accident Information Directory  | AIPA Quick Reference Guide | AIPA Accident Information for Pilots | DAMP Testing Guide