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Short Haul EA CoM Meeting

From the President

G'day everyone,
Today your Committee of Management (CoM) concluded debate on the proposed SH EA in-principle agreement and voted on whether to endorse or not endorse the deal.
As the proposed deal stands today, the CoM voted to NOT endorse the deal.

It is important to acknowledge that this vote was not unanimous. 

So, what happens now?

AIPA has already communicated to the Company that the Committee does not endorse the proposed in-principle agreement and that we would like to resume negotiations to explore all opportunities to reach a revised agreement that CoM can recommend to the membership. 
We trust the Company recognises this opportunity to rectify the perceived shortfalls of this deal by also returning to the negotiating room and we look forward to doing just that. 
We remain acutely aware of your frustration surrounding the Company's need for you to accept a pay freeze and the associated flow on effects this causes. It has been clear significant levels of anger and a lack of trust still exist within the pilot community and with it, dissatisfaction with aspects of this proposed deal. 
It is important to equally recognise that many members have communicated to us that they are happy with the proposed deal. There are certainly structural changes to conditions that AIPA has sought for decades.
Such is the tightrope your CoM walks when trying to thread the needle on achieving an agreement that we believe achieves the interests of as many members as possible. 
One of the by-products of today's vote will be the rush of some to speculate on where this will end. Social media will be awash with theories regarding the Company putting the existing deal to a vote of the membership or digging their heels in on the existing deal causing a potential escalation in tensions as we continue to work towards an outcome.  
But for those of us trying to "work the process" and achieve a deal that reflects your wishes expressed in the SH EA survey and via other feedback, our focus remains on returning to the negotiating room with the Company as the first step.
Since the change in Qantas management in September last year AIPA worked hard at building a more constructive relationship than existed under the previous CEO. We did this because clearly the previous approach by Qantas management was not appropriate and I communicated this directly to the new CEO when we first met. Engaging constructively with the Company and seeking genuine win/win outcomes will deliver better outcomes for our members and the business than an adversarial approach that focuses on trying to tear each other down. We will continue to utilise this constructive approach in an attempt to resolve the SHEA.
It is important that we again thank Greg Pavlou and Chris Hewett for their efforts in getting the deal to where it currently sits. Despite a majority of fellow CoM members not being prepared to support the in-principle agreement reached, there was universal gratitude within the CoM room for their efforts and I trust you join me in thanking them for their service, regardless of your opinion on the deal as it stands.
I acknowledge that today's decision by CoM, regardless of how you view the current deal, ensures a delay to what we ultimately all want which is an agreement that fairly recognises your value and contribution to the airline. However, our commitment to delivering a deal that both the CoM and you can support remains our unwavering focus. 
We will communicate any developments as they occur in the coming days and weeks. 

Safe flying,

Captain Tony Lucas

AIPA President